OFSC WHS Webinar – Mobile Plant Safety, Innovation and Technology – Presentations and Q&A Session

The Federal Safety Commissioner’s May WHS webinar focused on mobile plant safety innovation technology. The webinar featured a comprehensive presentation from Scheme accredited builder Bouygues Construction Australia on the company’s mobile plant risk management innovation and technology, and also covered the requirements of meeting WHS Accreditation Scheme audit criteria in relation to mobile plant, closing with a Q&A session. The live session had over 500 attendees from companies, regulators, and industry associations.
Bouygues Construction Australia – BYCA Safety Innovation (27 mins)
Bouygues Construction Australia have been accredited with the WHS Accreditation Scheme since 2014. Ritchie Green (Health and Safety Director) presented a detailed overview of the extensive mobile plant related safety technology being used by Bouygues on-site, including proximity detection, remote vehicle monitoring and fatigue management, and automated competency verification systems.
Scheme audit criteria for Mobile Plant (22 mins)
Federal Safety Officer Brett Jones spoke about the WHS Accreditation Scheme audit criteria that applies to mobile, discussing in detail the requirements of each criteria, and where companies can look to find appropriate guidance.
Q&A Session (11 mins)
Following the presentations a Q&A with all the presenters addressed questions that were asked by attendees throughout the session. Topics include the subcontractor communication requirements and OEM plant risk assessments.
OFSC Online Education Webinar Series
The following webinars can be viewed on the OFSC website:
- Electrical Hazard Management
- Excavation Risk Management
- Mental health in the building and construction industry
- Traffic Management
- Scaffolding Risk Management
- Lift Planning for Crane Risk Management
- Articulated Cranes
- Ground Conditions for Crane Risk Management
- Scaffolding Tampering and Managing Principles
- Secondary Safety Systems for Elevated Work Platforms
Please send any feedback on the above videos and subject matter to ofsc@dewr.gov.au with a subject heading of “OFSC Webinar Feedback.”
The next webinar will be held in June 2023. If you are not an accredited company but wish to be invited to the next webinar, please send an email to fscreporting@dewr.gov.au.