Accredited companies are safer
- Accredited companies are getting safer over time with Medically Treated Injury Frequency Rates (MTIFR) and Lost Time Injury Frequency Rates (LTIFR) trending down.

- LTIFR of Scheme accredited companies improves the longer the period of accreditation.

- Scheme accredited companies represent approximately 30% of annual construction industry turnover, yet accounted for less than 20% of industry fatalities between 2018 and 2022.
Safer companies save money
- Fewer lost time injuries means fewer stoppages which saves your company money.
- Scheme accredited companies also pay lower workers’ compensation premium rates (WCPR) over time. The longer the period of accreditation, the greater the percentage of accredited companies with lowered WCPR, and the higher the rate of improvement.

Scheme recognition and prequalification
- Scheme accreditation automatically meets prequalification WHS requirements in the following states:
- New South Wales,
- Victoria,
- Queensland,
- South Australia,
- Western Australia,
- Northern Territory, and the
- Australian Capital Territory.
- By gaining accreditation under the Scheme, you signify to industry and potential clients that you have best practice workplace health and safety systems and practices on your sites.
What accredited builders are saying
- Each year, accredited companies participate in an online census regarding the operations of the OFSC and the Scheme. The 2023 OFSC Census showed that:
- 96% of companies believe the OFSC has contributed to improving overall safety in the Building and Construction industry;
- 97% of companies are satisfied with the service provided by the OFSC;
- 99% of companies say they have improved safety performance since gaining accreditation; and
- 94% of accredited builders think the Scheme represents value for money.