These reference groups are used as advisory bodies to provide an industry voice when changes to the Work Health and Safety Accreditation Scheme (the Scheme) are proposed.

The two groups are consulted on a range of relevant topics and can provide advice to the FSC on emerging construction industry trends.

The FSC’s active participation in these groups is an important part of the Office’s overall industry and stakeholder engagement and helps promote news, events and updates from the Office.

The Industry Reference Group

The role of the IRG is to:

  • Provide advice and assistance to the FSC in the policy development, implementation and review of the FSC's functions and operations;
  • Provide advice and feedback on construction WHS issues of concern or interest to industry;
  • Provide advice and assistance to the FSC in identifying potential high-risk building materials;
  • Promote the sharing of information to ensure the Scheme continues to add value and sets a benchmark for best practice approaches to safety;
  • Facilitate communication and consultation between industry bodies and accredited companies to achieve positive safety outcomes and Scheme recognition; and
  • Identify opportunities to maximise WHS improvements across the building and construction industry.

Members are drawn from a cross-section of industry bodies and accredited companies to ensure a balance of views.

The Australian Government Agency Reference Group 

The role of the AGARG is to:

  • Provide advice and assistance to the FSC in the policy development, implementation and review of the FSC's functions and operations;
  • Provide advice and feedback on WHS construction issues of concern or interest to client agencies
  • Promote the sharing of information to ensure the Scheme continues to add value and sets a benchmark for best practices approaches to safety;
  • Facilitate communication and consultation between agencies to achieve positive safety outcomes and Scheme recognition; and
  • Promote the Australian Government's role as a champion and model client for WHS improvement.

Members are drawn from major Australian Government construction and procurement and funding agencies.

Both groups aim to meet regularly and occasionally have joint meetings where issues of relevance to both groups can be openly discussed.