From 1 August 2023 the reporting requirements of all companies accredited under the Workplace, Health and Safety Accreditation Scheme were streamlined. For more details please see the Formal Notification of Changes to WHS Accreditation Scheme Reporting Requirements
Reporting on WHS performance enables us to assess the ongoing suitability of companies to remain accredited under the Scheme.
WHS performance reporting also enables us to determine WHS trends and benchmarks. This, in turn, will allow the OFSC to provide relevant, useful best practice advice to aid in the improvement of WHS awareness and culture in the building and construction industry.
Accredited companies must submit a Scheme Biannual Report every six months that covers a range of project data and WHS performance indicators (such as workers compensation premium rates and claims incident rates).
Accredited companies must also submit reports about WHS incidents that occur on their sites where the accredited company is the head contractor.
There are four types of incidents that companies must report:
- Fatality: All fatalities on any projects regardless of value or type, must be reported to the OFSC on 1800 652 500 immediately, and an Incident Report form must be submitted within 48 hours.
- Lost Time Injury (LTI): All work-related incidents resulting in a LTI where the project value is at least $4 million
- Medically Treated Injury (MTI): All work-related incidents on Scheme Projects resulting in a MTI
- Dangerous Occurrence: All work-related incidents on Scheme Projects resulting in a Dangerous Occurrence .
All reports are submitted via FSC Online.