A brief overview of the key regulatory bodies and their scope is provided below.
Roles and Responsibilities
Responsible for
Not responsible for
Office of the Federal Safety Commissioner
- Supporting the functions of the Federal Safety Commissioner
- Administering the Australian Government WHS Accreditation Scheme (the Scheme)
- Auditing accredited entities to ensure compliance with Scheme requirements
- Developing policy related to the implementation of the Scheme including requirements for gaining and maintaining accreditation
- Developing National WHS policies and guidance
- Enforcement of WHS laws
- Undertaking investigations in relation to WHS incidents
- Developing Codes of Practice
Safe Work Australia
- Development of National WHS policies and guidelines in consultation with States and Territories
- Development of a model WHS legislative framework for adoption by States and Territories
- Develop and implement national education and communication strategies and initiatives
- Develop guidance materials including Codes of Practice
- Administration or policy development related to the Australian Government WHS Accreditation Scheme (the Scheme)
- Enforcement of WHS laws
- Undertaking investigations in relation to WHS incidents
State and Territory WHS Regulators and Comcare
(e.g. SafeWork NSW)
- Enforcement of WHS laws including auditing organisations to verify compliance
- Issuing notices and infringements related to non-compliance with WHS laws
- Investigating WHS incidents on work sites
- Prosecuting organisations for breaches of WHS legislation
- Ensuring that accredited entities undertake Australian Government funded construction projects