Safety Leadership video released for Safe Work Month 2024

Earlier this month, we held a webinar focusing on Safety Leadership for Safe Work Month 2024. We had so much fun with this webinar that we wanted to share more!
We've brought together three more executives from accredited companies for a short video to share their experiences building safety culture in their organisation. Hear from Michelle Nation from Seymour Whyte, Stephanie Graham from Lendlease, and Anna Flynn from Black Cat Civil.
Strong leadership is key to building good safety culture. At the OFSC, we have a dedicated audit criteria specifically focused on Senior Management Commitment, FP1. Unfortunately it’s one of our worst performing. Since the 2019-20 financial year, there was an average non-compliance rate of 41.6% for all companies audited and 997 corrective action reports issued.
Hear about the experiences of these industry leaders and move towards changing the safety culture in your organisation.
Watch now: