Where the project is for the construction, repair or restoration of a single-dwelling house or houses, the head contractor builder is not required to be accredited under the Work Health and Safety Accreditation Scheme (the Scheme) to obtain Commonwealth funding.
A ‘single-dwelling house’ is defined as any Class 1a building under the National Construction Code (NCC):
- This generally includes detached stand-alone houses or one of a group of attached dwellings such as duplexes, terrace houses, row houses and town houses.
- Residential developments that involve dwellings that are above and below each other will not be considered to be single-dwelling houses (such as apartments).
Where attached dwellings have a common space below (such as a common parking garage underneath the building or common basement), the building will be regarded as a Class 2 building under the National Construction Code building classifications and therefore will not fall under the single-dwelling house exemption. A common space is defined as:
- accessible by residents from more than one dwelling in the residential development;
- any parking garage that is not a private garage (that is, carparking within a building for the use of residents from more than one dwelling).
Only Class 1a buildings are single-dwellings exempted from the application of the Scheme.
More information on the definition of a Class 1a building can be found on the Australian Building Codes Board website in Chapter A6, Building Classification - NCC 2022 Volume Two - Building Code of Australia Class 1 and 10 buildings.
There is no limit to the number of single-dwelling houses on which building work is occurring for this exemption to apply. However, if a single project includes a variety of building classes, the mere fact that some of the buildings may be Class 1a buildings will not be sufficient for the single dwelling house exemption to apply to the project.
Please click on the boxes below to view examples of this exemption:
Other exemptions
See the links below for information on the other exemptions:
EXEMPTION 1 – Building work valued at below the Scheme funding thresholds
EXEMPTION 3 – Joint venture arrangements
EXEMPTION 4 – No Scheme coverage where funding does not assist building work to proceed
Exemptions automatically apply in any relevant scenario. You do not need to apply for or seek approval from the OFSC for an exemption. If you are unsure if an exemption applies to your project, please contact the OFSC at ofsc@dewr.gov.au.
Further assistance
To speak to an OFSC representative please call the OFSC Assist Line 1800 652 500, or email ofsc@dewr.gov.au.