Subject to the exemptions described below, where Housing Australia funds building work, or provides funding that facilitates the carrying out of building work under the Housing Australia Future Fund Facility (HAFFF) and the National Housing Accord Facility (NHAF), the Work Health and Safety Accreditation Scheme (the Scheme) will usually apply. This means that the head contractor builder will need to be accredited before Housing Australia can fund the building work. 

There are some exemptions from the Scheme. These relate to low-value building work, the construction of single-dwelling houses and building work undertaken by a joint venture. Additionally, where Housing Australia funding is provided for the purchase of completed dwellings, or making completed dwellings available (in a manner that does not assist the construction of those dwellings - see exemptions below for general guidance), this would generally not constitute funding building work, in which case the Scheme would not apply. 

If your project is covered by any of the exemptions* below, there is no requirement for an accredited head contractor builder to be engaged to undertake the building work.

*The term ‘exemption’ is used generally to refer both to circumstances that are explicitly exempted from the Scheme under the Federal Safety Commissioner (Accreditation Scheme) Rules 2023 and circumstances that are not covered under the Scheme. Exemptions automatically apply in any relevant scenario. You do not need to apply for or seek approval from the OFSC for an exemption. If you are unsure if an exemption applies to your project please contact the OFSC at

The links below provide a detailed explanation of each exemption and examples of how each exemption could be applied.

EXEMPTION 1 – Building work valued at below the Scheme funding thresholds

EXEMPTION 2 – Single dwelling houses  

EXEMPTION 3 – Joint venture arrangements

EXEMPTION 4 – No Scheme coverage where funding does not assist building work to proceed

Further assistance

To speak to an OFSC representative please call the OFSC Assist Line 1800 652 500, or email