OFSC WHS Webinar – Truck and Trailer Safety, Presentation and Q&A Session

The Federal Safety Commissioner’s December WHS webinar focused on truck and trailer safety, specifically regarding risk management in relation to tipper trucks. The webinar featured a comprehensive presentation from Scheme accredited builder Acciona Australia on the company’s current safety management process for Truck and Trailer Safety. The session closed with a Q&A session. The live session had over 300 attendees from companies, regulators, and industry associations.
Acciona Australia – Truck and Trailer Safety (32 mins)
Acciona Construction Australia are accredited under the WHS Accreditation Scheme. Andre Noonan (Chief Operating Officer at Acciona Australia) and Tia Gaffney (Senior Forensic Engineer, William Keramidas & Associates) presented on guidance on safe use and management of trucks and trailers, comparison of different types of trucks and trailers, and safe variables such as slope, axel combination and ground conditions.
Q&A Session (16 mins)
Following the main presentation, FSC David Denney conducted a Q&A session with Andre Noonan, Tia Gaffney and Federal Safety Officer Julian Bedford. The Q&A addressed questions that had been asked by attendees throughout the webinar. Topics included definitions of exclusion zones, technology in practice with tipping operations, and a discussion on ground slope angles.
OFSC Online Education Webinar Series
The following webinars can be viewed on the OFSC website:
- Mobile Plant Safety, Innovation and Technology
- Electrical Hazard Management
- Excavation Risk Management
- Mental health in the building and construction industry
- Traffic Management
- Scaffolding Risk Management
- Lift Planning for Crane Risk Management
- Articulated Cranes
- Ground Conditions for Crane Risk Management
- Scaffolding Tampering and Managing Principles
- Secondary Safety Systems for Elevated Work Platforms
Please send any feedback on the above videos and subject matter to ofsc@dewr.gov.au with a subject heading of “OFSC Webinar Feedback.”
The next webinar will be held in February 2024. If you are not an accredited company but wish to be invited to the next webinar, please send an email to fscreporting@dewr.gov.au.
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