Hazard 2020 Webinar – Articulated Cranes – Videos and Additional Q&A

Federal Safety Commissioner David Denney hosted the webinar, with approximately 350 attendees from companies, regulators, and industry associations.
Articulated Crane Risk Management (27 mins)
Articulated mobile cranes (colloquially known as Frannas) are the most common form of crane on Australian building sites. They are also the most misunderstood. This presentation from Rory Bracken (Fulton Hogan), Tom Clark (Fulton Hogan) and Brandon Hitch (Crane Industry Council of Australia) provides practical guidance on how head contractors can work safely with Franna crews on site. The presentation covers licensing arrangements, how to read load charts, route planning, articulation angle and side-slope deration of the crane’s capacity and emerging safety issues. The presentation is a ‘must-see’ guide for WHS professionals, site managers, site foremen and anyone working with a Franna crew.
Mobile Cranes and the Scheme (14 mins)
Federal Safety Officer Julian Bedford gave a presentation on mobile crane risk management in relation to the Scheme audit criteria. Julian covered management system approaches to mobile crane management and discussed areas where companies can better meet the requirements.
Q&A Session and Additional Information (8 mins)
Attendees were encouraged to submit questions throughout the webinar. Following the two presentations, Commissioner Denney moderated a Q&A session addressing some of the key questions. Due to time constraints, not all questions were answered during the webinar. The expert panel convened to discuss the remaining questions, which have been answered in the Articulated Mobile Crane Additional Q&A.
Hazard 2020 Webinar Series
Hazard 2020 is the Federal Safety Commissioner’s 12-month campaign targeting scaffolding and mobile plant hazards. By tracking incident reporting and assessing hazard criteria at audits, the OFSC is shining a spotlight on these problem areas in the industry. Data on Hazard 2020 can be found in the Hazard 2020 Monthly Snapshot which tracks incident reporting and audit results.
Over 500 construction industry professionals attended the first two Hazard 2020 Campaign online educative forums held in February and April, covering Elevated Working Platforms (EWPs) and Scaffolding respectively. Videos from both webinars are also available on the Hazard 2020 page of this website.
Please send any feedback on the above videos and subject matter to ofsc@dewr.gov.au with a subject heading of “Hazard 2020 Online Forum.”
The next Hazard 2020 online forum will be held in August/September 2021.